The Moto Maker program is currently available in the U.S. and allows customers to tailor the design of a Motorola smartphone. A customer could, for instance, nominate real wood for the back, colour the front in black and the trims in blue, and then have the smartphone engraved.
Customers could tailor their Motorola smartphone from Lenovo’s website or, if they begin to range Motorola smartphones, from carrier websites. Dedicated retail kiosks are another option being explored by Lenovo.
Customers who tailor their Motorola smartphone in the U.S. have it delivered after roughly four days.
Delivery times would be longer in Australia, a report in the Australian Financial Review reveals, as the factory fulfilling custom orders is located in the U.S.
Lenovo would fulfil Australian orders from a factory centralised in Asia in an effort to deliver orders in approximately seven days.
The expansion of the Moto Maker program follows the finalisation of Lenovo’s acquisition of Motorola. Lenovo is the world’s largest PC manufacturer and its acquisition of Motorola improves its its manufacturing scalability, which is something that has hampered the adoption of Motorola products in Australia.
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